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Would you Rather?

Would you Rather?
1. Be the fastest person in the world.

  1. Be the strongest person in the world. 
  2. Travel 100 years in the Future.
  3. Or Travel 100 years in the past. 
  4. Live in a giant treehouse.
  5. Live in a castle.
  6. Live in a world with no Computers.
  7. Live in a world without video games. 
  8. Only be able to shout.
  9. Only be able to whisper
  10. Have fingers for toes 
  11. Having Toes for fingers
  12. Be able to go invisible.
  13. Be able to fly.

 One of the hardest options was to be the fastest person in the World or Be the strongest person, or being able to have the ability to fly. I chose flying because it would make me travel faster to school and it would save time for my mum to get to work faster. It would help me a lot to get me to my games, in my opinion flying would be a good power because you get great views from the top. I think if I actually had the power to fly I’d use it to travel around the World but maybe a little older. Flying would be a useful power. It would come in at a time I need to go somewhere, I can travel in style no longer in a car.

Flying is basically a human plane but travels a bit faster. One reason why I really wanted the ability to fly is because when I see a sunset I could fly up to my roof and watch the sunset go down. And one of the other reasons is if a Tsunami hits I can just fly up to a mountain. 

Tupaia- Response to text

Polynesian Explorers

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. When, and where was Tupaia born?


  1. a) Around 1825 in Rā‘iātea
  2. b) Around 1725 in New Zealand
  3. c) Around 1825 in New Zealand
  4. d) Around 1725 in Rā‘iātea


  1. Rā‘iātea is a part of which larger group of islands? 


  1. a) Samoa       b) Tahiti
  2. c) Rapa Nui      d) Micronesia


  1. What was the name of the British official sent to secure British rule over NZ?


  1. a) William Johnson           b) Abel Tasman
  2. c) William Hobson d) Captain James Cook


  1. One day, more people would come – a different kind of people altogether. They would arrive on a canoe with no outrigger and would change everything: “And this land will be taken by them” Vaita said

Did this prophecy come true? Explain.

→ It was 50% each. Some people came but Tupaia said words in different languages which caused confusion. 


  1. Only about 20 of the painted hoe that were given to Captain Cook in 1769 by Māori survive.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. Describe the role that Tupaia had on board the Endeavour – what did he do on Captain Cook’s ship?


→ He was one of the smartest Travellers; he didn’t need maps or anything the Stars guided him to his destinations. 


interpreter A program that analyse and executes a program line by line.  I’d like to have a Japanese interpreter.
diplomat A person who interprets, especially ones who translate speech orally. Or into sign language.  The president will be meeting foreign diplomats.
indigenous  Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. The park is also home to indigenous tribes.


  1. Explain the four reasons why Hoe were important, and special pieces of technology for Maori.

→  During those meetings Moari traded a number of painted hoe. 

→ Moari could use the hoe to make the waka to travel speed. 

→  hoe waka could also be used as a weapon 22. 

→ The paddle or hoe was the means of propulsion. 


  1. Tupaia (up until recently) and much more Polynesian history remains oral history (that means told by speaking). How can we ensure that this history is available to learn for future generations? Try to come up with at least 2 ways.


→ Tupaia played a pivotal role in mediating between Moari communities and the crew of the Endeavour during Lieutenant James week first visited New Zealand. Although  Tupaia was eager to sail west, Cook had other, secret orders from the Admiralty.