Tag: Writing

(Term 1) Immersion Assembly .


This morning Point England school had an immersion assembly. We found out that our theme for Term 2 is called “Transformers” . Meaning we have a lot of acting to do Transformers basically means things like facial expressions, acting, and drama . All sorts of ways you can express yourself. Team 5 did an act , they acted like Cinderella as it was very enjoyable to watch. 


My favourite part about Team 5 is the way their acting looked realistic. No one was shy or scared, They just expressed the way they felt as it made everyone laugh. Knowing that it is hard to act in front of people they still got up and acted in front of TONS of little kids.



Immersion Assembly Recount

Task description: This week for writing we have been writing a recount about the immersion assembly that we had on Monday morning at school. Below is my recount. 

Today Me and my class will be learning about directions, maps and a compass. Our School theme is about directions so we are mostly learning about north, east, south and west. I am really excited for this term because I love learning new things.

The school theme is about navigating at assembly. We had to help our teachers find the “Way” Back. It was really fun helping teachers around the school. We do things like rotation where we go to different classes and learn something.

What Team 4 is learning about is how to use a map. They are also learning about bees. They are very lucky to learn something new.

I want to learn about how to use a compass. I know it is known for travelling but I would like to know more. Maps are really simple to me. We just have to start where we are and just go ahead.

It’s okay, I mean I could learn some new things from it. What I really like about it is the compass and map for this subject. I wonder if we get to use a compass to get to our class just for fun.

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