Day: April 3, 2023

Would you Rather?

Would you Rather?
1. Be the fastest person in the world.

  1. Be the strongest person in the world. 
  2. Travel 100 years in the Future.
  3. Or Travel 100 years in the past. 
  4. Live in a giant treehouse.
  5. Live in a castle.
  6. Live in a world with no Computers.
  7. Live in a world without video games. 
  8. Only be able to shout.
  9. Only be able to whisper
  10. Have fingers for toes 
  11. Having Toes for fingers
  12. Be able to go invisible.
  13. Be able to fly.

 One of the hardest options was to be the fastest person in the World or Be the strongest person, or being able to have the ability to fly. I chose flying because it would make me travel faster to school and it would save time for my mum to get to work faster. It would help me a lot to get me to my games, in my opinion flying would be a good power because you get great views from the top. I think if I actually had the power to fly I’d use it to travel around the World but maybe a little older. Flying would be a useful power. It would come in at a time I need to go somewhere, I can travel in style no longer in a car.

Flying is basically a human plane but travels a bit faster. One reason why I really wanted the ability to fly is because when I see a sunset I could fly up to my roof and watch the sunset go down. And one of the other reasons is if a Tsunami hits I can just fly up to a mountain.